Farewell to Monolingualism, Hello to Translingual Orientation



A Student Draft

Professor Naoko Akai Dennis


 Essay 2, draft 1  

“Education is most powerful weapon that easily can use to change the world”.(Nelson Mandela). Most of our life spend in school or other educational places but important thing is how much human getting support to be shipped  person by professionals who already done  for students life. It is important having educational and psychological support on early age before jump to independent life which is school is best place for that. In my interview  illustrates how education important for human being as making  healthy and educated environment make person grow up and recognize his feelings, emotions, thoughts that come through approved experiences  by human mind and what is benefits of boarding school .

            Having Education is the way that make human to be avoid  uneducated which means at least someone can read and write, and actually education give always steps should everybody  follow them  otherwise fastening chain can easily spoil  . But while during teen old students  having education there is also second important support that rely on support  by professionals because then adolescences can easily focus on their life  avoid stuck  in age of hesitation. During my interview I have got records that  my interviewer  demonstrate “ while I was in high school I had have got dirty mind without recognizing to much and just got  into relationships with gangs activities with to being part of local crimes that was affecting my life unexpected way through going  often  police office”.(interviewer). It is about time when he was teenager and could not recognize himself  unless did not get  support by his parents. Parent factor is important because before children are going deep  lacking of knowledge the parents should  to be friend  during teen age years when teen agers just start to figure out themselves, their martial status, feelings, hesitations about bunch of matter such as most of the time judgement parents or teachers or siblings whoever involving in their life . This is  time that parents or professional maybe teachers or psychologist should  attempt to explain  for being teenagers assumed about life  an then it is going be easy to avoid to charge brain onward  wrong directed uncontrolled  compelling thoughts  such as to be lazy, to be part of gangs or to be enemy to other people. Education and professional help is most important weapons for teenagers on early age to be successful who focused on his responsibilities such as education or daily life.

            For being successful person in the future there is also another important tools that people who is on the way of being adolescences  should follow  these helpful steps. One of these is boarding school that is like military school which make person to be aware of himself , and focus on his mistakes that affect his time now and future. Boarding school is for adolescences who cannot be teaching  by parents or has really heavy problems that affecting  such as feel offending to control life which designate their thoughts by dirty minded backgrounds or friends poison them . This being un able control take offense  come through the non disciplined life rely on self focus . It was suggest by my interviewer that was  described “ My mother was tired by my mistakes what was running me always to police center , then she decide to send me boarding school as thinking it is going to be helpful to me and her, so I would like to say it was really helpful to attend in boarding school what made me person aware of himself after through the long term such as disciplined and self focused about my education and life that now I am in the company in my internship program and also I have focused on my college education for associated degree.”( interviewer). Some people who had have  heavy problems back in his adolescences or teenager years that made them stay on one  step behind of people who was on the same age  here include  maybe psychological  problems or not enough support by patents changes and affects  their life easily but help or intervention can easly change this situation.

            Education is important for normal human being as long as someone can focus on his life otherwise it is not easy to support or help to people who already is on 30 years . Educational environment affects adolescences or teenagers life onward being successful person for futuristic plans. Emerging adulthood based on normal education and having life skills. These life skills are to live in disciplined, to help first him or herself with learning what make person helpful for others and to live normal educated life.



1. Abstract

2. Dear Amy Tan

3. Relation to Language

4. Monolingualism

5. The Gaze and the Ear

6. Translingual Orientation or Translanguaging

7. Relocalized Listening

8. Revisiting, Reflecting, and Relocalizing

9. In Closing

10. Acknowledgement

11. References

12. Appendix